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3 Translation results for bound in Spanish

noun | adjective | verb

bound noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
límite; salto, brinco

Detailed synonyms for bound noun

See: Perimeter

bound adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
obligado; encuadernado, empastado; decidido, empeñado

Synonyms of
bound adjective

bind verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bound, has bound, is binding, binds
atar, amarrar; obligar; aglutinar, ligar, unir; vendar; encuadernar (un libro)

Example sentences of
bind verb

  • She bound her hair in a ponytail.
  • The machine binds the hay into bales.
  • He doesn't like to wear clothes that bind.

Synonyms of
bind verb

Detailed synonyms for bind verb

See: Tie
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Reverse translation for bound

límite  - boundary, border, limit 
salto  - jump, leap, skip, jump, dive (in sports), gap, omission 
brinco  - jump, leap, skip 
obligado  - obliged, obligatory, compulsory, customary 
decidido  - decisive, determined, resolute 
empeñado  - determined, committed 
atar  - to tie, to tie up, to tie down 
amarrar  - to moor (a boat), to fasten, to tie up, to tie down 
obligar  - to force, to require, to oblige 
aglutinar  - to bring together, to bind 
ligar  - to bind, to tie (up) 
unir  - to unite, to join, to link, to combine, to blend 
vendar  - to bandage 
encuadernar  (un libro) - to bind (a book)